Momondo Flight Deals
Compare Discount Flight Tickets & Travel Agent Deals


Momondo is a global travel search site that compares real-time prices on discount flights, hotels and car rentals. Momondo locates some of the cheapest, quickest and best travel deals for your holiday, city break and flight itinerary.

momondo Inspiration & Travel Guides: Momondo provides a travel information blog, offering holiday inspiration and travel guides on hundreds of destinations globally.

Momondo's metasearch engine scans the prices of hundreds of travel sites in seconds. Whether you are looking for discount flights, hotels or car hire rates, Momondo gathers deals from across the web and arranges results in one convenient display.

How to search using momondo: Momondo is a well-designed, uncluttered and easy-to-use site, with flight availability results displayed by cheapest, quickest or best flights first. Momondo's search results include the latest availability and prices; you select your preferred deal - you are then taken directly to the appropriate airline, travel agent or ticket supplier to complete your booking.

Momondo was founded in 2006 and is based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Momondo is managed by KAYAK, which is part of Booking Holdings Inc. and is also part of the KAYAK portfolio of metasearch brands, including KAYAK, SWOODOO, checkfelix and Cheapflights.

Top Tips:

(1). Check out the Momondo "take me anywhere" search tool; it can inspire and offers some excellent location ideas. You simply enter the departure airport and don’t fill in the destination. When you search it brings up some outstanding recommendations that you might not have thought about.
(2). Momondo includes budget, low cost and lesser-known airlines as it works to find the lowest airfares.
(3). Momondo has a "Fare Alert" system that allows you to sign up or log in to get updates on flight price changes for your selected itinerary (please note flight ticket prices can fluctuate up or down).
(4). Track flights around-the-world with momondo's Flight Tracker.

Flight4 Affiliate Disclosure. uses affiliate links; you can view our affiliate statement here. Lower prices and additional travel services may be available from travel suppliers not featured on this website. Your use of third-party and affiliate links on this website is subject to our terms and conditions.

Top UK Departure Airports:

London Gatwick (LGW)
Manchester (MAN)
Newcastle (NCL)
Birmingham (BHX)
Glasgow (GLA)
London Heathrow (LHR)
Liverpool (LPL)

Top Momondo Destinations:

Rome (ROM)
Lisbon (LIS)
Frankfurt (FRA)
Tenerife (TFS)
Nice (NCE)
Palma (PMI)

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Momondo's flight search includes holiday and low-cost airlines


Momondo scans for prices on hundreds of travel sites in seconds


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